O U T F I T: I'm Not Sure // NEON FOX|style, beauty, fashion, lifestyle

O U T F I T: I'm Not Sure

-VTG Calvin Klein Jacket(similar)|H&M Top(similar)|American Apparel Skirt|Aldo Boots|VTG Backpack(similar)-

I really do not know what to call this look or what category of style to put this look in. 
When I was trying to figure out what to wear I really just threw on whatever was clean, to be honest. My style has been all over the place and it's always been that way. Describing my style is a little complicated because one day I'm a minimalist and then the next day I'm girly-edgy. It's weird but that's what makes my personal style, mine.

**photo credit: little sister Heaven
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  1. Love your top and the pop of color.



  2. I'm so with you when it comes to style. I love to switch things up. Great look. It reminds me of the mod revival scene in England where the girls wore mini skirts with Fred Perry shirts.

    Jo | www.cutandchic.com

  3. Qué guapa!
    me encanta tu estilo.
    Besos mil.


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