The topic of beauty has been very questionable these days with the movements of natural hair, body positivity, makeup, and so much more, but really what defines true beauty? Of course, there are so many different opinions on that question and all opinions are totally valid. So here are my thoughts on the definition of true beauty.
From a young age, I always knew I had some type of beautiful thing about me but there were always those reminders that made me feel ugly. Growing up was tough because I was always the last to get everything that other girls were getting (if you know what I mean). It definitely became harder to know how to appreciate myself because I never felt pretty enough or just enough in general.
Then I started to get acne and that really shut down all kinds of confidence I had left. Having to deal with acne at that time was like the end of the world because the only solution there was, was Proactiv and that shit did not work. And to top it off, I wasn't educated on how to deal with acne so I became really frustrated with myself and started to really hate life.
Fast forwarding to now, I unfortunately still suffer from acne and I have gotten better at controlling it, thankfully. But this post is about how I define true beauty. For me, true beauty means having confidence within yourself and really getting to know who you are inside and out. It's about being yourself and being happy with yourself. If you can appreciate who you are as a person then you have discovered your true beauty.
I don't think anyone can 100% know who they are or discover their true beauty but every bit counts and that's all that matters. There's no time to worry about perfection. Perfection is beyond us and it's not realistic. Strive for what makes you happy enough to get you through the day.
*sidenote: these photos were taken by me with a little filter & no skin retouching*
I'm always asked what message I want to put out into the world and my answer is always CONFIDENCE IS KEY. Having the confidence to be yourself is such a beautiful thing. People will notice your confidence and they will see that you are a beautiful person When you exude confidence it transfers to other people and that's how powerful you can be with just a little bit of confidence.
Today I have learned how to confidently be myself and not worry about being perfect or what other people think, I am confident that I have true beauty. I hope that this post can help you gain confidence and find your true beauty. Just remember, be yourself.
What do you think defines true beauty?
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