How Trove is Bringing 3D Design to Custom Jewelry // NEON FOX|style, beauty, fashion, lifestyle

How Trove is Bringing 3D Design to Custom Jewelry

In the fashion tech world, 3D printing has been a real hot topic so it's a no-brainer to bring customization into the mix. And by customization I mean 3D printed custom jewelry. Jewelry brand Trove has definitely stepped up to the plate in creating an online platform for giving people a real personalized experience. 

A few months ago I had the great opportunity to shoot a mini campaign with Trove wearing some of their jewelry designs. Each piece of jewelry is 3D printed and can be customized to your liking whether it's the thickness of the band or the type of material used. In addition, each custom design that someone creates becomes part of Trove's social stream -as they put it- so that others can discover unique designs and connect with them.

-VTG Trench Coat(similar), Jeans(similar)|Urban Outfitters Sweater(similar)|Aldo Boots|Trove Jewelry-

Customized jewelry makes things so much more personal and who wouldn't want that right? Definitely, check out Trove for more and read up on my Q&A with the brand here!

**Photos by Andrew Hong
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  1. Thanks for introducing to me a new brand. Loving their products.


    1. So good to hear, glad you enjoyed this post! :)


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